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Finca Juan Martin Washed Geisha

Finca Juan Martin is an innovative and experimental farm owned and operated by Banexport. The goal and focus of this project are to cultivate, harvest, and process different varieties in order to develop appropriate practices for each step toward optimum coffee quality. Beyond this, Juan Martin serves as a resource and example for coffee producers that sell and export their coffees through Banexport.


Located in the highest area of Sotara, just 30 mins from Cauca's capital of Popayan, Juan Martin is dedicated to developing environmentally-conscious practices as well as providing jobs to community members with educational opportunities. 


Altitude - 2050 MASL

Region - Sotara, Cauca

Variety - Gesha

Process - Washed

Cup Notes - Peach, bergamot, jasmine


(Lightly roasted for filter or espresso - not suitable with milk)



Espresso -

In - 20g (ground coffee into filter basket)

Out - 55g (espresso into cup)

Time - 22 seconds

Temp - 93 degrees

Filter -

In - 20g

Out - 320g

Time - 2.5 mins

Temp - 97 degrees


Finca Juan Martin Washed Geisha

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